I am friends with Kasey Kahl on facebook. My blog is pretty much a tribute to this amphibian, which whom I thought was hearing impaired for the first 3 weeks of the Bachelorette. I was wrong. I just wasn't aware that he had a dairy farm on his voice box..little elves working daily to rotate the butter, cream cheese, cheesecake, or thick frothy yogurt that coats the back of our friend's throat.
Some highlights I found from Kasey's page...including my favorite pictures and status updates:
August 24, 5:31pm;
Kasey Kahl I think next season of bach pad should be a correlation of just the boys from season 6? :) Ty Brown, Chris Lambton, Craig Robinson, Tyler Vermette, Kirk DeWint, and myself. Then we can just pick the girls, lol. Entertainment?
1) Kasey, when did you become such bro's with everyone outside of Craig R? 2) Cool slang, ie: "bach pad" 3) "Then we can just pick the girls, lol"..so many things wrong with this, I don't know where to begin. First Kasey, it should be women. I know that most females over the age of 16 don't go for the 24/7 bubble in the throat male like you, but you could and should go to jail for this. Secondly, "lol"..really? 4) Craig R. gave his oversized midget self a shot on the "bach pad" and got voted off. Second time isn't always a charm, Kase.
August 23, 2:21am;
Kasey Kahl Just realized my unrealized potential. Have you?
What do you MEAN unrealized potential? Clearing your throat? Growing out your flat top hair cut? Giving up your singing career? ..Please explain. But, I am a little scared that this realization came at 2:21 in the morning on a Monday..sounds like Mr. Kahl was busy listening to R.Kelly watching illegal websites. Gross.