June 7, 2010

The Following should be BANNED from Dating Shows:

  1. Guitars: first of all, how awkward must it be not only lugging in a rolling suitcase, but also a guitar case on your back. Leave your guitar, or any form of this string instrument (i.e: HUNTER and his ukulele) at home. Let's face it, you aren't good at playing it, and it makes the already awkward moment that much more painful.
  2. Poems: on all levels wrong. You are either extremely cocky or confident in your writing skills, or are trying to be super cute and romantic. The whole, "I just met you - let's go outside and let me pull a piece of notebook paper from my pocket and read my love to you" is creepy. Are you that socially retarded that you can't carry on a conversation?
  3. Singing: this can really go along with the guitars, and poems actually. If a male were to ever break out in to song with me, the variety of emotion and embarrassment I would feel for that person would be on a whole new level. It takes huge balls to go on national television and sing a poorly written song, probably while you were in your basement, in front of a mirror, web-camming your performance to practice for your big unveiling. It is rude to do to the person that your fighting for, because they have to sling off a fake compliment of how amazing and mesmerizing it was, when in all reality, they thought it blew.
  4. Bad Jokes: huge pet peeve, when people try to put funny. So many of these singletons come on to the show with their persona of being the "funny girl" or "funny guy". It is always a bad joke, a bad line, an over animated face. IF the bachelor/bachelorette on the other end doesn't laugh, the joke/scenario typically gets repeated or my personal favorite, the stare/head nod/personal laughing that makes the person feel so uncomfortable that they have to courtesy laugh. My ears cringe, my eyes burn - please just refrain.
  5. The Tattle Tale Role: there is always that ONE person that thinks by tattling on those around him/her they will be in like flint to the next round. You look crazy and insecure. When I see that people get their 15-minute alone time window and spend 99.9% of it being a little baby, crying about how mean people are, and how they aren't there for the right reasons - I go sour, real fast, real quick.

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