June 4, 2010

Uncomfortable Moments in RHNYC Season Finale

I tried to keep my eyes glued to the tv for the 60-minutes of waspy entertainment, but a couple times I had to close my eyes and think of a happy place after the following occurred:
  1. "Reconciliation" Zarin VS. Frankel: this whole get together was a mess. Most uncomfortable moment, Jill's closing line and send off to Bethenny "I hope you enjoy the potato pancakes". A) what a SHITTY gift, B) after the draining sob fest, thats the BEST YOU CAN DO?
  2. Luann's "live" performance of Money Can't Buy you Class: Luann brought out the big guns in some bell bottom snake skin pants and one shouldered top, trying to channel Pussycat Doll. She brought her new boy toy to the debut, which if he had any common sense, he would have hit it & quit it after watching LuMAN perform. The dancing from the 50+ crowd was classic - popular moves including, but not limited to: arm raises, snapping, swaying, and step touches. Note: Naughty by Nature should get a shout out, the "HEY-HO" move is big with Gen-X'ers!
  3. Jill Zarin does NOT know how to pronounce Ramona: if I had a dime for each time Jill mispronounced Ramona's name, I'd be set. I was getting confused, I didn't know if Bravo threw a curve ball for the final episode and introduced a new character named RAMONE-r, ala JZ's pronunciation of RAMONA's name. Very Cyndy Lauper Jill!
  4. Crazy Eye Ramona's Wedding, second times a charm: over the top, check. Jill being a wench and complaining, check. Kelly being bat shit crazy, check. Sonjya's bubbies popping out for all of Manhattan to see, check. Alex looking like Frankenstein, check.
  5. LuMAN's Encore Performance at Ramone'rs wedding: who would have thought the Countess' song would touch people much like Jesus preaching did? Well, Jill Zarin, certainly agrees with the message. In her "AHA" moment, she says to Kelly: "this is true, you can be born with money, but no elegance".
  6. Simon has a vagina: he was wearing a skirt. Vast improvement from his General Lee necktie from the previous week, but nonetheless, he was doning a SKIRT. Alex should maybe be concerned...?

Moral of the Season: these bitches be crazy!

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