June 3, 2010

This could be the worst show in history...

I am legitimately a little embarrassed to be living in New York City after watching this painful, 30-minute saga, of a group of girlfriends, trying to channel every character in Sex and the City. The group of girlfriends have made it apparent that they are all young and working (woo woo, something that is so out of the realm), love to go out and have cocktails and just plain old cock.

I don't understand why these groups of friends can never have normal names? When I look at my group of friends, we all have normal'esque names - nothing like Shallon (obv to good to rock ShaNNon), Klo (what happened to Klo-E?), and my all time favorite: GURJ. Aside from the normal names, they have clearly hit every type of socially different mark in careers and personality, to create the most solid group of friends East of the Mississippi. We have completed and casted the following:
  1. Blond in the fashion world, a MAGAZINE none the less
  2. Brunette wasp, owning her own clothing store
  3. Rebellious jet-black haired girl, going through law school
  4. Over-seas rocker friend, GURJ, with a short trendy bang
  5. Conservative, laid back friend - getting married.
With all bases covered - we move on to the first episode, where the genius Shallon, has the idea to recycle their ex'es. That is without a doubt the DUMBEST idea I have ever heard. After some severe Facebook stalking of their Rolodex of previous flings, they narrowed it down to once again, a diverse group of men ranging from a 19-year old to a tattooed covered motorcycle riding male. After about 15 shots later, an embarrassing display of trying to be sexy and cute while bowling, some painful make outs - our girlfriends realized the next morning at brunch, that they should all stick with their own boo's and not cross path's again! OBV, ho's before bro's!

Moral of the episode: apparently downtown girls like to go to pole dancing classes during a dull moment in their day. AND, if you ever want a shot at getting your own show, you should change your name - so, from now on, apparently you can call me Elikazeth.

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